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Methods in Political Theory and Normative Analysis

Member rate £492.50
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Course Dates and Times

Monday 7 - Friday 11 August


Please see Timetable for full details.

Andres Moles

Central European University

Political theory is a peculiar sub-discipline which lies between political science and philosophy. This course will discuss some methodological issues on normative political theory. It will not deal with the specific methodological issues of history of political thought.

One of these peculiarities is that there is little consensus about whether even asking about methods in political theory makes sense. When facing this question, many theorists respond that political theory is done by reading a lot, thinking hard and emulating good theorists. Nothing else besides imagination, creativity and general rules of logics. One reason for this might be that methodological questions are not neutral to (or isolated from) substantive questions.

Despite this common reply, there has been a renewed interest in methodological considerations in political theory. There are, at least, three reasons for that: first, it has been noticed that the intractability of some debates is due to different methodological approaches. Clarifying the loci of disagreement has helped advancing normative questions to an important degree. Second, political theorists have also tried to better clarify the type of questions they ask, and make explicit the assumptions that play a role in the arguments they develop. Third, there is a practical need to be self-conscious about methodological questions raising from granting agencies that demand that methodological issues are explicitly addressed.



Instructor Bio

Andres Moles is an Assistant Professor in the departments of Philosophy and Political Science at CEU.

His interests are in liberal political theory and distributive justice, with an emphasis on how findings in behavioural sciences affects normative moral principles.

Andres' work has appeared in Res Publica, Social Theory and Practice and Political Studies among others.


This course aims of explore different methodological questions and approaches prevalent in contemporary normative political theory. The course will not cover the methodological approaches that are specific to the history of ideas, including the history of political thought.

Methodological awareness is common in the social sciences and history, but much less so in political theory. In fact, very few articles or books in political theory mention explicitly the methodological commitments their authors use, let alone they include a section on methods. This is regrettable for at least two reasons. First, it is possible that being clearer about the methodological assumptions authors make might help to disperse many disagreements. Second, as a consequence more clarity can help us to locate where the normative, substantive disagreements are. This lack of methodological clarity is due to the fact that methodological issues in normative political theory are partly substantive. That is, choosing a methodological approach is not disconnected to the substantive claims political theorists aim to make. Ronald Dworkin defends an extreme version of this claim. He holds that all methodological issues (including meta-ethics) are fully substantive.

The course starts by revising the type of questions that political theorists usually get involved with, and the structure of normative political theory. It is only natural to think that before we can make methodological decisions, we need to know the subject matter of political theory. It is possible to distinguish between three different types of questions. First, we might want to ask about the value of certain state of affairs. We can evaluate the world (or possible worlds) according to how valuable they are: how much goodness or badness exists. These are axiological questions. Second, we might want to ask about when people are blameworthy or praiseworthy for their actions (or omissions). These are attributive questions. Third, we might want to ask how we should act: what we owe to others (or to ourselves). This narrow set of questions is normative in the sense that they give us reasons for action. We might also want to ask whether normative principles are person affecting or not. Clarifying the structure of political theory in this way might shed light into some of the methodological commitments that can guide us when we address substantive questions.

A popular strategy in political theory involves analysing political concepts. The hope is that clarifying the nature of central concepts to political theory will resolve the normative issues we face. For instance, a theory of political freedom might be developed and defended by analysing the concept of freedom and its relation to other political concepts such as equality, authority, power, etc. Although this approach has been subject to significant criticism, it is still widely used not only in political theory but in political science as well.

On the second day, we turn to ‘reflective equilibrium’, a methodological approach that has been extremely influential in the last 45 years. Reflective equilibrium involves seeking coherence between our considered (moral or political) judgements about specific cases and general principles that govern them. Ideally, our judgments would be coherent not only among themselves, but also with the principles that justify and explain them. When conflicts emerge we might need to adjust either by reducing the credence of the particular case or by revising the principle. Reflective equilibrium works back and forth until we secure (full or sufficient) coherence. This approach has been criticised because it relies too much on intuition. Some people might be willing to stick to some of their particular judgments no matter how rational a principle that doesn’t support the judgment seems. Moreover, it might be possible that the plausibility of certain judgments depends on arbitrary facts such as our evolutionary history.

On the third day we touch a related methodological issue. Should facts play any role in political theory? and if so, how much weight should we give them. G. A. Cohen argues that fundamental principles are fact insensitive. This means that principles that can be rejected by appealing to facts rely on other, more fundamental, principles that do not depend on facts. On the other hand, some others think that fundamental principles depend on facts. For instance, if life on Earth was very different than it is, perhaps other principles would be more plausible. In his session, besides trying to understand fact sensitivity we will try to see how it is related to both reflective equilibrium and the nature of concepts.

In the fourth day, we address issues of idealisation. A dominant trend in contemporary political theory starts by developing ideal theories. In this class we will focus on three questions. First, what makes ideal theory ideal, what kind of circumstances, attitudes and behaviours should we idealise. Second, what is the point of ideal theory? Some authors suggest that ideal theory is unnecessary or harmful to provide guidance in the non-ideal world we inhabit. Third, what is the relation between ideal and non-ideal theories? Do the latter depend on the former? If so, what type of dependence there is between them?

Finally, on the fifth day we discuss whether political theory should abandon its moral core. So far, political theory has been presented as a branch of moral theory in the sense of being highly dependent on it. Political realists pledge to construct a theory of politics that is not tightly connected to morality and yet is still normative. Whether they succeed is the topic of this day.

Credit Requirements:
Those wishing to obtain credits. For 1-2 credits a 30 mins presentation to be decided on the first day (in case there are more students than slots, then we’ll find a suitable arrangement). For 3-4 credits: a presentation and a 4000 paper.


This is an introductory course to methods in contemporary political theory. Although no prerequisite knowledge is required, some familiarity with contemporary analytical philosophy would be an advantage.

Day Topic Details
Monday Introduction: Methods in political theory? Concepts/Conceptual analysis

45 mins lecture. 45 mins seminar, 90 mins seminar (optional 30 minute student presentation)

Tuesday Reflective Equilibrium

45 mins lecture. 45 mins seminar, 90 mins seminar (optional 30 minute student presentation)

Wednesday What is the relationship between facts and principles?

45 mins lecture. 45 mins seminar, 90 mins seminar (optional 30 minute student presentation)

Thursday Ideal and non-ideal theory

45 mins lecture. 45 mins seminar, 90 mins seminar (optional 30 minute student presentation)

Friday Political realism and political moralism

45 mins lecture. 45 mins seminar, 90 mins seminar (optional 30 minute student presentation)

Day Readings

Cohen, G.A. ‘How to do Political Philosophy?’ in his On the Currency of Egalitarian Justice, and Other Essays in Political Philosophy, ed. M. Otsuka, (Princeton, Princeton University Press 2011); Dworkin, R. Justice from Hedgehogs (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2011.


Rawls, J. A Theory of Justice (Revised edition) Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1999), section 9; McMahan, J., 2000, ‘Moral Intuition’, in Blackwell Guide to Ethical Theory, H. LaFollette (ed.), Oxford: Blackwell, chap. 5; Scanlon, T. “Rawls on Justification” in S. Freeman The Cambridge Companion to Rawls, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press., 2003).


Cohen, G.A. Rescuing Justice and Equality (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2008) chapters 6-7;


Rawls, J. A Theory of Justice (Revised edition) Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1999), sections 2, 39, 53, 59; Simmons, J. ‘Ideal and Nonideal Theory’, Philosophy and Public Affairs, 38 (2010), pp. 5-36; Stemplowska, Z. and Swift, A.: ‘Ideal and Nonideal Theory’, Oxford Handbook of Political Philosophy, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012; Dworkin, R. Sovereign Virtue (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2002), Ch 3 section VII.


Galston, W.: ‘Realism in Political Theory’, European Journal of Political Theory, 9 (2010), pp. 385-411; Rossi, E., and M. Sleat. ‘Realism in Normative Political Theory: Realism in Normative Political Theory’, Philosophy Compass, 9, (2014), pp. 689–701.

Software Requirements


Hardware Requirements



Miller, D. Justice for Earthlings (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013)

Cohen, G.A. Rescuing Justice and Equality (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2008)

Stears and Leopold, Political Theory: Methods and Approaches, (Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Press, 2008)

Dworkin, R. Justice from Hedgehogs (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2011)

Raz, J. The Morality of Freedom (Oxford: Blackwell, 1986)

Kagan, S. The Limits of Morality (Oxford 1991)